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Saturday, 9 May 2009

An aspect of Kingdom culture

Kingdom culture on earth is orientated around Good News. We experience righteousness through relationship with Christ. We embrace peace towards one another through our relationship with Christ. We enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit through our relationship with Christ.

On Thursday I shared from Matt 18:23 "The Kingdom of heaven is like..." Jesus told the story of the King (At the centre of the Kingdom) who forgave an impossible debt of one of his servants. In the response of this servant it is clear that he did not appreciate the extent of this incredible gift. He refuses to forgive another person who owed him a small amount compared to his own debt. He faced serious consequences for rejecting the mercy of the King.

We can learn some Kingdom principles from this passage for community life. These principles can only be embraced through the work of God's grace in our lives.

1. Take the humble place (Matt 18:4)

2. Ensure that our behaviour or attitude does not cause another to stumble (Matt 18:6 - 9)

3. Reach out with a shepherd's heart to the one who has gone astray and is struggling (Matt 18:10 - 14)

4. Deal with sin in the right way. Confront the offender personally and privately. Only involve others if it does not work out (Matt 18:15 - 17 )

5. Embrace the authority that you have when you pray with one or two others. The presence of the King is with you. (Matt 18:18 - 19)

6. Develop a habit of forgiveness (Matt 18:21 - 22)

7. A dimension of Kingdom culture is to forgive in response to His forgiveness.

When do I know I have totally forgiven (RT Kendall)

1. be aware of the wrong and still forgive
2. Choose to keep no record of wrong
3. Refuse to punish
4. Do not tell
5. Show mercy
6. Show grace
7. Know inner peace
8. Absence of bitterness

For healing and protection:

- Find someone to share with to help you through the pain of the hurt

- In cases of abuse, church leaders or government authorities need to be informed to help ensure protection of yourself and others.

Let's agree together to pray with authority in Jesus name for His transformational presence to break the chains and set us free to live as his chosen and forgiven people who are called to walk heaven's culture on earth.

Some questions:
Have I said anything to anyone about another person that did not honour that person?

Have I failed to go directly and personally to confront and restore the person at fault?

Have a found time to pray and seek God for spiritual authority to break the graceless culture that rejects the King's mercy?

Own personal responsibility for wrong. Repent (Change mindset) and choose to embrace these Kingdom principles