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Friday, 21 July 2017

A- Z of Gratitude

Abide in Christ and experience His joy with thanksgiving 

Believe in the power of the Cross for salvation and be thankful

Connect with people in community and be grateful for  every relationship 

Dwell in the love of Father with continuous thanksgiving 

Experience the personal presence of the Holy Spirit with thanks 

Find beauty in every person created in image of God with joyous gratitude 

Give without expecting anything in return - thankful that we can bless because we have  been blessed 

Hope in the future as promised by God with expectant gratitude

Invest in people for their growth and with your encouragement with thanks for the body of Christ 

Joy is in the fruits of salvation and thanksgiving in the nations

Kneel in humility and be constantly be awed at  the glory of God in His creation with shouts of thanksgiving 

Love God and love your neighbour out of a heart of gratitude 

Meet the needs of others with little surprises and a grateful heart

Never stop thanking God 

Obey Jesus, follow His Leading and be thankful as He constantly surprises us

Pray with a thankful heart

Question your doubt and before you doubt God and thank Him for the revelation of truth.

Receive undeserved gifts and rest in His presence and be thankful

Silent attentive gratitude  

Travel light and thank Jesus for carrying all my burdens

Value the power for forgiveness with deep gratitude for the Cross

Wait for the Lord with thankful expectation

X everything that hinders love and give thanks for His light

Yield every agenda to Him with gratitude 

Zealous gratitude in all situations and under all circumstances